Owners: Huntermark Farm, then Cathryn Bridges, then Savannah Chapman, then Jacob Almasy, then Caroline Blondell, then Robin & Riley Robinson
Show Name(s): Chasing Rainbows
Nick Names: Mel, Melly Belly
Breed: registered Quarter Pony, registered as Tri Satin Taffy
Sex: mare
Color: dun
Height: 12.0 3/4 hands
Years of Service: 2007-2018
Birthday: 1-1-1999
Biggest Fans: Cathryn Bridges, Savannah Chapman, Giavanna Eckhardt, Ruthie Saklar, Ella Boosalis, Emily Creighton, Hannah Reed, Robin Robinson
Other Facts: Melonie is a fancy show pony, but she is quiet enough to be an excellent teacher in our Academy. Her niche in the program is to help younger beginner riders to walk and trot, but one of her strong suits is her jumping. Not only does she have excellent form but she has a lot of scope and loves to jump - the wider, the better it seems! She has done 2'6" courses with oxers happily and easily and has jumped a pile of jumps that was over 8 feet wide! In 2007, she was 3rd overall in Illinois for the Small Children's Pony division and she received her Certificate of Excellence from the Quarter Pony Association based on the points she has earned showing on the MIHJA and USEF circuits. All that and cute too!